177 RPTG (Role-Playing Twitter Game)
by Foster Douglas on June 26, 2015
Use tweets to collaborate with friends on a text-based role playing.
Join a 4-person clan, then explore and adventure with each other through @mentions, #hashtags, and replies. Roll your character using a custom web tool, and generate your stat hashtags. Example below of potential format (just using the D&D core stats, but it could be different/simpler):
“@clan #LevelNameHP” “#strength_dexterity_constitution_intelligence_wisdom_charisma” “#abilityorspell1 #abilityorspell2” “(optional) #_ item1 #_ item2 # _ _item3 etc”
@Rivendell #3Frodo89 #s4_d3_c9_i6_w1_c4 #sneak #forcemissile
Your stat hashtags are required in every post made in the game, as your remaining free characters used per tweet are your “Action Points” in a sense. In the example above, 80 characters remain to be used for acting your turn. clan names and character names must be 4 letters or more, so the maximum AP any character could have is 108 (this would be a weak character, indeed!). You may carry items and have better abilities, at the cost of your Action Points (each additional item you carry must be preceded by a compounding number of underscores). Everything you do to improve or modify your character will affect its available Action Points to act in the scenario.
(More thoughts on this to come!)
#experimental-game, #role-playing-game, #social-game