263 Dicey Update 12
by Foster Douglas on September 20, 2015
Below are a couple of visual mock updates to Dicey:
(1) A slight revision of a past mockup, of the game selection screen. Still working on a good font for the main heading, and I’m not totally sold on using Gotham for the smaller text.
(2) The landing screen / title screen for the game. Lots of things to work on, but the basic skeleton is there.
(3) A few first tries on a logo for the game. The bottom two on the right and the first one on the top left are our favorites so far.
(4) The play field, just before rolling.
(5) The play field, while guessing. Unfortunately, the look of the actual dice are still in question. This level would be pretty easy…
[ Today I Was Playing: Pokemon Alpha Sapphire and Nova-111 ]
#brain-game, #dice-game, #dicey, #game-logo, #web-game