387 Chess Throw

by Foster Douglas on January 22, 2016

Chess with a dash of chance thrown in.

Each player has a set of 16 dice that are rolled initially to determine the spread of piece types. 2 of the dice are King and Queen dice, all 6 sides of which contain only their respective symbol; however, one side of each of these dice is red, representing a High King and High Queen, which have a slight advantage.

The other 14 dice are rolled to determine the rest of your pieces. Each die has pawns on 3 sides, a bishop on 1 side, a knight on 1 side, and a rook on 1 side. Per die, the player has a 50% chance to roll a pawn, and a 50% chance to roll a non-pawn (or, 16.6% chance for each of those, bishop, knight, or rook).

Once both players 16 dice are rolled, the placement phase begins. One player rolls 2 8-sided dice, 1 with the letters A-H on it, and one standard die with 1-8 numerals on it (alternatively, 2 standard 8 sided dice can be used and A-H can be mapped to the numbers 1-8). Those 2 dice determine the location of one of their own die pieces, but the opponent chooses which die is placed there. This phase goes back and forth until the entire board is setup. If a location is landed on that’s already taken, the player must re-roll.

Once this phase is complete, standard mid-game/end-game chess rules apply.

Good luck!

[ Today I Was Playing: Shovel Knight ]

#board-game, #chess-game, #classic-game, #game-modification