465 Airport Zen

by Foster Douglas on April 9, 2016

A game that encourages you to get to the airport early by offering physical (and mental) rewards.

Everybody knows that getting to the airport, getting through the airport, and getting on your plane in time are extremely stressful situations.

But it doesn’t have to be.

There’s a beautiful article by Craig Mod that guides you through the process of getting more enjoyment out of your air travel experiences. I love all the concepts in this, and I’m interested in how to create more accountability and motivation in people to act on these suggestions.

Maybe there could be a game/flight booking app that masked the real flight take-off time, and built in an extra buffer of time that made the user think they needed to be there earlier than they do.

Or, maybe there are kiosks in the airport, and when you tag your phone against them at a minimum of 3 hours or more before your flight departs, you’re awarded with something, maybe a coupon, gift card, or something less tangible but equally as satisfying.

Like priority seating.

[ Today I Was Playing: Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception Remastered ]

#experimental-game, #mobile-game, #physical-game