647 Hidden Cooperation

by Foster Douglas on October 8, 2016

I love cooperation.

It’s my favorite aspect of gaming. Cooperating with other people, with other characters in the game, or with the game itself.

Cooperation isn’t the antonym to competition. A game can feel cooperative in other ways outside of just two players directly working to help one another. Some of the best multiplayer competitive games are successful because they create a sense of cooperation. And I don’t mean within your team (which yes obviously is also cooperation and is awesome). The player should feel like they are cooperating with both the game as well as the opponent, in the way that it feels like everybody is cooperating together to enjoy the experience. It’s an un-said cooperation. Even when players/teams lose a match, if the game is made well and with care, the players typically want to play again. This is obviously also due to the game design being attractive, and encouraging striving for personal growth in the player. But it’s also because of cooperation.

[ Today I Was Playing: nothing… ]
