701 Dishonored 2 And The Addition Of Robots

by Foster Douglas on December 2, 2016

About half-way through Dishonored 2, the game introduces a new type of obstacle, basically robots. In the first game there were some things that were robot-like, but still controlled or driven by a human.

I play the Dishonored series in a method they call “low chaos” which basically means I play the game trying not to kill anybody as I go. Adding robots actually introduced a pretty massive shift in the gameplay. Up until then, everything, more-or-less, could be taken down in the game with a sleeping dart or other passive means. Since robots can’t be put to sleep, it forces the player, especially a player that plays in the style that I do, to adjust the way to approach situations.

Particularly because there was never really a difference between most human enemies in the game, from a stealth play through perspective. You just need to sneak up behind them, and put them to sleep. With the non-human enemies, it forces the player even to use items in their inventory that typically go unused.

[ Today I Was Playing: nothing… ]
