777 65

by Foster Douglas on February 16, 2017

A sequel to the most beloved Mario Kart game.

This N64 cart-mod would focus on taking everything that made the original Mario Kart 64 great, and building on that.

Things people love about the original:

  • The feel of interacting with the game; the N64 controller is key, the joystick movement, the “Z” button placement, the awkward feel… it all makes the game control the way it does.
  • The characters; not too few and not too many makes it fun and interesting but not complicated.
  • The maps; fun and memorable, but with enough surprises to stay difficult without being over-the-top.
  • The items; nothing useless and nothing overpowered, just a good balance.

Proposed additions and enhancements to 65 would keep all of the above in mind, respecting these traits and building around them rather than overtop them.

Now, I’m not saying that the new Mario Kart on the Nintendo Switch isn’t a great iteration (actually I’m not saying much at all about it since I’ve never actually played it, just watched a lot of it streamed), I just think that there’s room for a bit of a nostalgic kick-back the the game’s earlier roots.

[ Today I Was Playing: nothing… ]
