778 Passenger's Nightmare

by Foster Douglas on February 17, 2017

A game where there are exactly negative 3 parking stops available in the neighborhood and you have to somehow find a spot to park. Also, you’re late to a concert of your favorite band.

You play as the passenger in this game. Manage the driver’s stress levels, each time they see another car take an open spot or have to drive down the same street again, their stress goes up. Use your conversational abilities, as well as props and items like food, drink, drugs, money, and distraction to keep the driver in check until a spot is found. Point out open spots you see as soon as possible, but don’t do it too often or your driver will be frustrated by your back-seat-driving.

(Thanks Morgan……)

[ Today I Was Playing: Rayman Legends ]

#experimental-game, #funny-game, #simulation-game