814 RealGym

by Foster Douglas on March 25, 2017

A gym-buddy RPG!

Some aspects of this gym-going companion game:

  • It counts (or you input) the number of reps and sets you do on various pieces of gym equipment, which then affects the growth of your character or some other aspect
  • It sets realistic challenges based on your trends and goals
  • The “rewards” in game are useful and significant and interesting enough to make it worth playing, and hopefully to aid in motivating players to continue playing (and so, continue exercising…)
  • Bonuses for going multiple times a week, but also bonuses for having “rest days”
  • There are things to do in the game when you aren’t at the gym
  • Experimental idea: a reverse subscription system, where you only pay for the game if you don’t use it.

[ Today I Was Playing: nothing… ]
